Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Margaret Atwood “Siren Song”

After researching Siren in Greek mythology I found that they were women who served as seductresses. This poem is stating that it can be hard to resist something and when you don't something bad may result. This can be seen in the second stanza where it states that there are skull bones, but men still come. The women do not enjoy being on the island, but it seems like they have nothing else to do so this keeps them entertained. The speaker wants to control someone else because she doesn't have control over her own life.


Chip said...

I agree with your interpretation of the "Siren Song."I thought that she was using her cry for help to lure the men in. She acts as though she wants to leave this island but really it's just a trap.

Eryn E. Flanagan said...

I agree with your point that the women are stuck on the island and have nothing better to do or nothing else to do. Despite the skulls, men cannot resist.